The Coffee Shop Revenue Dashboard is a specialized analytics tool designed to empower coffee shop owners and managers with a clear and concise overview of their business's financial performance. This dashboard provides real-time insights into key revenue metrics, including sales and customer trends.
Dashboard Link :
Revenue = SUM( Fact_Sales[Total Price] )
All Product revenue = CALCULATE( [Revenue], ALL(Dim_Product[product_category]) )
Filter Product Names = VAR _FilterProduct = SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Fields]) VAR _Result = IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 0, SELECTEDVALUE(Dim_Product[product_category]), IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 1, SELECTEDVALUE(Dim_Product[product_detail]), SELECTEDVALUE(Dim_Product[product_type]))) RETURN _Result
Product Category Count = DISTINCTCOUNT( Dim_Product[product_category] )
Product Count = COUNT( Dim_Product[product_id] )
product Purchase Count = COUNT( Fact_Sales[product_id] )
Quantity Sold = SUM( Fact_Sales[transaction_qty] )
Store Count = DISTINCTCOUNT( Dim_Store[store_id] )
Subtitle = VAR _TopBottom = SELECTEDVALUE('Filter Top/Bottom'[Top/Bottom]) VAR _Range = SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Range'[Range]) VAR _Product = IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 0, "Product Category", IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 1, "Product Detail", "Product ype")) VAR _Result = _TopBottom & "-" & _Range & " "& _Product RETURN _Result
Top / Bottom Rank = VAR _TopProductDetail = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_detail]), [Revenue], , DESC) VAR _BottomProductDetail = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_detail]), [Revenue], , ASC) VAR _TopProductCategory = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_category]), [Revenue], , DESC) VAR _BottomProductCategory = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_category]), [Revenue], , ASC) VAR _TopProductType = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_type]), [Revenue], , DESC) VAR _BottomProductType = RANKX(ALL(Dim_Product[product_type]), [Revenue], , ASC) VAR _FilterRange = SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Range'[Range]) VAR _Condtition = IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 0, IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Filter Top/Bottom'[Top/Bottom #]) = 0, _TopProductCategory, _BottomProductCategory), IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 1,IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Filter Top/Bottom'[Top/Bottom #]) = 0, _TopProductDetail, _BottomProductDetail), IF(SELECTEDVALUE('zzFilter Product'[zzFilter Product Order]) = 2, IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Filter Top/Bottom'[Top/Bottom #]) = 0, _TopProductType, _BottomProductType)))) RETURN IF(_Condtition <= _FilterRange, [Revenue])
Transaction Count = COUNT( Fact_Sales[transaction_id] )
zzFilter Product = { ("product_category", NAMEOF('Dim_Product'[product_category]), 0), ("product_detail", NAMEOF('Dim_Product'[product_detail]), 1), ("product_type", NAMEOF('Dim_Product'[product_type]), 2) }
zzFilter Range = GENERATESERIES(5, 20, 1)
Day Name = FORMAT( 'Calendar'[Date], "ddd" )
Day No = DAY( 'Calendar'[Date] )
Month = FORMAT( 'Calendar'[Date], "MMM" )
Month Name = FORMAT( 'Calendar'[Date], "mmmm" )
Month No = MONTH( 'Calendar'[Date] )
Weed Day = WEEKDAY( 'Calendar'[Date] )
Weekend/Weekday = IF( 'Calendar'[Weed Day] in {2,3,4,5,6}, "Weekday", "Weekend" )
Year = YEAR( 'Calendar'[Date] )